Facts: Acronyms Commonly Used in the Chemical Weapons Destruction Program
Provides a list of program-related acronyms and their meanings.
Facts: Biotreatment Process
Details the steps of the neutralization followed by biotreatment process formerly employed to destroy the chemical weapons previously stored at Pueblo Chemical Depot.
Facts: Chemical Materials Activity-West
CMA-West supports continued closure of the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant.
Facts: Chemical Munitions Destroyed in Pueblo
Describes the three types of munitions that originally comprised the former Pueblo chemical weapons stockpile in Colorado.
Facts: Chemical Weapons Destruction at the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot
Provides an overview of the former chemical weapons destruction program in Pueblo including technology, the pilot plant and public outreach efforts.
Facts: Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission
Describes the composition and role of the Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission as liaisons between the Army, Department of Defense and the Pueblo community.
Facts: Hydrolysate Overview
Provides information about how hydrolysate was produced, treated and destroyed.
Facts: Neutralization Followed by Biotreatment Process
Details the steps of the neutralization followed by biotreatment process formerly used to destroy the chemical weapons stored at the Pueblo Chemical Depot.
Facts: Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Closure Overview
Describes closure terms and phases, how the terms apply to different plant activities, property disposition, the workforce and environmental permitting, and how the public will be involved.
Facts: Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Partners
Provides a list of key program partners, their roles, names and contact information.
Facts: Static Detonation Chamber
Explains how the Static Detonation Chamber complex augmented the main plant by destroying all problematic munitions, including the 4.2-inch mortar rounds.
Facts: The Treatment or Disposal of Secondary Wastes
Details the safe treatment or disposal of secondary waste produced during the former chemical weapons destruction operations at the Pueblo Chemical Depot.