Environmental Activities at PCAPP

The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant team destroyed the chemical weapons stockpile formerly stored at the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot, now known as the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity-West, and is managing the closure phase while protecting the workforce, public and environment.

The PCAPP team fulfills this commitment by adhering to numerous local, state and federal laws and regulations. This includes the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, which gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency authority to control hazardous waste, including generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal, to protect human health and the environment.

In addition, PCAPP operated under a hazardous waste permit from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. This permit was granted after numerous Army studies determined the destruction of the stockpile would have no significant impacts to human health or the environment. Throughout the lifecycle of the plant, any major permit modifications required a public comment period and approval by the state.

Learn more about our permits and environmental activities by accessing the links and information on this page, or by contacting the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant outreach staff at pueblooutreach@iem.com.

Recent Permitting Activity

The U.S. Army and Bechtel are applying for a Class 2 Permit Modification, B075, Update to Constituents of Potential Concern (COPCs).

This PMR proposes revisions to the COPCs listed in the PCAPP Closure Plan and associated documents contained in Attachment I of the PCAPP Permit.  Proposed revisions include updates to four (4) Method Detection Limits, removal of twenty-three (23) COPCs with no available analytical methods and appropriate surrogate compounds, updates and corrections to Regional Screening Limits to match the current regulatory standards, and correction of chemical names or Chemical Abstract Service numbers, where applicable.

This PMR also proposes changing the sampling method for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to current sample collection capabilities, removal of outdated acronyms that are no longer used in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods, corrections to cooling temperatures for samples to align with EPA SW-846 (Hazardous Waste Test Methods), changes to the target criteria for analytical method calibration checks for Distilled Mustard Agent (HD), Thiodiglycol, VOCs, and semi-volatile organic compounds, and an administrative correction to the number of rinsate samples for the waste laydown yard.


Public meeting

A public meeting to discuss this permit modification request will be held Jan. 29, 2025, at 2 p.m. MT.

This is a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform. To participate, join online by typing this link https://tinyurl.com/39sr52h4 into your browser or call by dialing 1 (719) 359-4580 and when prompted, use the following Meeting ID: 843 5193 4182.

Contact Venissa Ledesma at (303) 692-3432 as soon as possible if you have special accessibility needs and want to request alternative formats, sign language interpreters, or other reasonable accommodations.

The public comment period is from Dec. 15, 2024, through Feb. 13, 2025. Written comments regarding the permit modification request must be submitted to:

Juli Mahr, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
HMWMD-B2, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Email: Julianna.Mahr@state.co.us

Key Permit Documents

Modification Request B071 (Main Plant Closure)

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Permit

Environmental Impact Statement

Explore PCAPP Permitting History:

Get involved.

Public Meetings:

Plant and permitting updates are provided during public meetings known as the Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission (CAC). Please see below for future meeting dates and forums.

View meeting summaries from meetings held from 2008-20.

Information Repositories:

Information regarding the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant project is available at various community locations. Inquiries should be directed to PCAPP outreach staff at pueblooutreach@iem.com.

  • The official and primary information repository for the PCAPP project can be found at Robert Hoag Rawlings Public Library located at 100 E. Abriendo Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004. This repository has every current document associated with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act process as it pertains to the PCAPP project.
  • Additional repositories are located in the following locations:
    • McHarg Park Community Center
      405 2nd Lane
      Avondale, CO 81022
    • Boone Community Center
      421 E. First St.
      Boone, CO 81025

For a complete list of documents available at the Information Repositories, please see the Index.

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