The Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP) completed destruction of the chemical weapons stockpile stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD) July 7, 2023.
During the destruction process, neutralization, broke down nerve agent into a wastewater product known as hydrolysate. This wastewater was shipped off site for further processing.
During the plant’s closure stage, hydrolysate will continue to be generated through decontamination activities.
The facility receiving and treating the liquids is Veolia North America near Port Arthur, Texas.
Safe History of Transportation
Hydrolysate is a Department of Transportation Class 8 corrosive material, a hazard similar in many ways to other corrosive materials shipped daily in the U.S. and throughout the world. Hydrolysate was previously shipped from other chemical demilitarization facilities in the U.S. and from BGAD.
For example, all VX nerve agent hydrolysate from the Newport Chemical Agent Disposal Facility in Indiana was incinerated at Veolia beginning in 2007.
In 2009, 1,000 gallons of GB nerve agent hydrolysate was shipped from Kentucky to the Veolia facility as part of Operation Swift Solution.
The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant in Colorado shipped more than 842,000 gallons of mustard agent hydrolysate to Veolia for processing in 2017, 2018 and 2020.
Safety First
Safety of the workforce, community and environment was a top priority for the project during weapons destruction operations and continues now during the closure activities. The utmost care and attention to detail was followed when shipping hydrolysate from BGCAPP and currently when shipping caustic solution. All applicable state laws and Department of Transportation regulations are followed.
Resources and Contact Information
For more information about hydrolysate shipment, contact Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant outreach staff at (859) 626-8944 or