Facts: Acronyms Commonly Used in the Chemical Weapons Destruction Program
A comprehensive list of acronyms used by the Chemical Weapons Destruction Program.
Facts: Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass
Describes the companies comprising the systems contractor team chosen to design, build, test, operate and close the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant.
Facts: Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Closure Overview
Describes closure terms and phases, how the terms apply to different plant activities, property disposition, the workforce and environmental permitting, and how the public will be involved.
Facts: Blue Grass Chemical-Agent Destruction Pilot Plant Outreach
Features the role of and services provided by the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Outreach Staff and provides a list of key program partners, their roles, names and contact information.
Facts: Blue Grass Rocket Destruction Process
Explains how the M55 rockets containing VX or GB were destroyed at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant.
Facts: Chemical Munitions Destroyed at Blue Grass
Describes the munitions that comprised the Blue Grass chemical weapons stockpile in Kentucky.
Facts: Chemical Weapons Destruction at Blue Grass
Provides a list of Blue Grass site-specific frequently asked questions and answers.
Facts: Employment and Business Opportunities
Contains information and links about employment and business opportunities during the plant’s closure phase.
Facts: Environmental Permitting: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Describes the process the Blue Grass Army Depot, ACWA and Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass followed to obtain a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act permit to build, operate and close the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant.
Facts: Information Repositories
Provides a list of locations where the public can view collections of Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant related information and documents.
Facts: Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission and Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board
Describes the composition of the Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission and Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board, and their role as representatives of the community.
Facts: Nerve Agent Neutralization
Describes the technology selected and processes used to destroy the chemical weapons stockpile stored at Blue Grass Army Depot.
Facts: Operation Swift Solution
Provides an overview of the 2007-2009 operation initiated to eliminate the risks associated with the long-term storage of three deteriorating steel containers stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot.
Facts: Perimeter Air Monitoring
Describes the purpose of the perimeter monitoring stations strategically placed around the Blue Grass Army Depot.
Facts: Personnel Reliability Program
Explains the purpose of the Army’s Personnel Reliability Program to ensure that each person who performs duties involving chemical agents meets and maintains the highest possible standards of reliability.
Facts: Secondary Waste Treatment and Disposal
Explains the safe treatment or disposal of secondary waste produced during chemical weapons destruction and closure operations at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant.
Facts: Static Detonation Chamber (SDC)
Explains how the Static Detonation Chamber augmented the baseline technology to destroy problematic chemical munitions that could not be easily processed through the main plant and is now being used to destroy agent-contaminated secondary waste during closure.