Oct. 30 Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission Meeting (2024)

  • At approximately 0:01, the meeting is called to order by Irene Kornelly, chair, CAC. She asks to approve the agenda, with removal of a report by Russell DeSalvo, who was not in attendance. The agenda is approved as presented. Minutes from the Aug. 28, 2024, meeting are approved.
  • At approximately 2:16, Tamika Atkins, program executive officer, ACWA, says she is safely in Colorado and looks forward to meeting with CAC members and PCAPP employees the following day. She discusses her transition from acting to permanent program executive officer and announces that beginning Monday, Nov. 4, Leon Ratz will fill the position previously held by Kingston Reif as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction and Arms Control. She expresses gratitude for the closure progress in the main plant and says she hopes for approval of the Static Detonation Chamber (SDC) closure plan soon.
  • At approximately 7:15, Sheila Johnson, director, CMA-West, expresses appreciation for all who participated in the Sept. 12 deactivation ceremony of the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot. She provides an update on the September reduction in force, a recent chemical exercise by a team from Fort Carson, and participation in community activities.
  • At approximately 11:12, Troy Gill, senior process systems engineer and project manager, Matrix Design Group, provides an update on activities related to the Parcel 3 transfer to PuebloPlex. Chris Hambric, Base Realignment and Closure-Pueblo, shared an update regarding a legal review of the environmental condition of property and upcoming visits to the site.
  • At approximately 15:20, Julianna Mahr, Hazardous Waste Permitting Unit leader, CDPHE, reports on recent permit modifications, including the two permit modification requests discussed at a public meeting that preceded this CAC meeting, as well as a history of the SDC Closure Plan approval process.
  • At approximately 21:52, Walton Levi, site project manager, PCAPP, introduces Todd Ailes, project manager, Bechtel Pueblo Team, to discuss status of plant safety, permitting, and sampling efforts.
  • At approximately 25:09, Ailes introduces Troy Worthen, plant manager, PCAPP, to summarize main plant closure activities by building, including the Enhanced Reconfiguration Building, Agent Processing Building Agent Filtration Area, Biotreatment Area, and the Yard. He also discusses sampling required in the SDC complex once permitting is approved. Levi notes that PCAPP won’t complete work orders for the SDCs, but those will be completed by the organizations taking them.
  • At approximately 31:50, Levi explains the change to the look and organization of progress reports. He also reports on waste being generated and shipped, which is minimal since the last CAC meeting due to ongoing permitting. He notes that just a small amount of waste is in the “greater than” range, which allows the plant to send more waste to a local landfill rather than ship off for incineration.
  • At approximately 35:23, Ailes reports on September reductions in staff and continued workforce transition activities. He also shares information about a recent visit by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention personnel.
  • At approximately 37:25, John Norton, citizen member, CAC, asks whether the storage tanks have been cleaned and whether a permit is required to demolish them.
  • At approximately 38:50, Kornelly reminds the group that the next meeting is Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. MT.
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