Facts: Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission

The top priority for the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) and the systems designed to augment its destruction capabilities was to safely destroy the chemical weapons previously stored at the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot, now known as the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity-West, while providing meaningful opportunities for the public to be involved in the project. The Department of Defense (DOD) and the depot recognized that public participation in the chemical stockpile destruction effort was critical to its success, and the last chemical weapon in the stockpile in Colorado was destroyed June 22, 2023.

Citizens’ Advisory Commissions, or CACs, were established by Congress in the 1990s for states where chemical weapons stockpiles were stored. Following Public Law 102-484, the Colorado Chemical Demilitarization CAC bridges the community and the government by providing a forum for exchanging information about chemical weapons demilitarization and closure efforts. Its mission is to “provide a mechanism for the thorough and objective exchange of information among the citizens of Colorado, the Army and other organizations involved in the chemical weapons demilitarization program.”

The governor of Colorado appoints nine members to the CAC, including seven private citizens representing the local community and two representatives of state agencies working closely with the DOD program. Although the commission receives limited federal funding from the DOD, it operates independently of Army influence. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment provides staff support for the Colorado CAC.

Now the chemical weapons have been destroyed, the focus has shifted to conducting the safe closure of the plant. The CAC will remain active until either the end of closure activities or upon the request of the Colorado governor.

The Colorado CAC meets on a regular basis and the CAC’s Permitting Working Group meeting is usually held as part of the CAC meeting or as needed. Information on upcoming meetings can be found at: https://www.peoacwa.army.mil/pcapp/public-involvement-at-pcapp/

Contact one of the commission members below to discuss the project and how to become involved:

Local Members

Ms. Irene Kornelly, CAC and
Permitting Working Group Chair
Telephone (H): (719) 591-5157
Email: ikornelly@pcisys.net

Hon. Terry Hart, CAC Vice Chair
Telephone (H): (719) 948-0071
Email: tahart11@msn.com

Dr. Velma Campbell
Email: vlcampb@comcast.net

Mr. Jason Castro
Email: jason_denver2004@yahoo.com

Mr. Russell DeSalvo III
Email: rdesalvo@puebloplex.com

Mr. Kenneth D. Griffin
Email: kennydg73@icloud.com

Mr. John Norton
Email: nortonjp@comcast.net

State-Appointed Members

Mr. Mark Honnen, Deputy Chief of Staff
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Email: mark.honnen@state.co.us

Ms. Colleen Brisnehan, Solid and Hazardous Waste Program Manager
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Email: colleen.brisnehan@state.co.us

Administrator for the CAC

Ms. Venissa Ledesma, Communications Specialist
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Email: venissa.ledesma@state.co.us

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