Facts: Personnel Reliability Program

The Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant, or BGCAPP, destroyed the chemical weapons stockpile at the Blue Grass Army Depot. The U.S. Army and its contractors continue to use the utmost care to protect the workforce, the public and the environment during closure activities.

The U.S. Army Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) contributes to this commitment to safety and security. The program’s purpose is to ensure each person who performs duties involving chemical agents meets and maintains the highest possible standards of reliability.

Many of the employees work in positions specifically governed by the PRP. Determining whether a person qualifies to work in a PRP position includes evaluations at the time of hiring and ongoing evaluations once the person is employed.

This evaluation includes medical tests and an extensive background investigation. The Army uses the following standards and requirements to determine if an individual is suitable for the PRP:

  • Physical competence, mental alertness and technical proficiency commensurate with duty requirements
  • Evidence of dependability in accepting responsibilities and effectively performing in an approved manner
  • Flexibility in adjusting to changes in the working environment
  • Evidence of good social adjustment, emotional stability and ability to exercise sound judgment in meeting adverse or emergency situations
  • Positive attitude toward chemical duties and the PRP

The Army looks for potentially disqualifying information, including, but not limited to, a person’s physical, mental and emotional status. Conduct or character, exhibited both on- or off-duty during employment, which may cast doubt on an individual’s ability or reliability to perform chemical duties also is considered.

The PRP helps ensure the workforce is reliable, effective and competent to perform BGCAPP’s important mission.

For information about employment at BGCAPP, visit the Employment and Business Opportunities page at https://www.peoacwa.army.mil/2023/09/19/facts-employment-and-business-opportunities/.  

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