Officials from the Department of Defense and U.S. Army toured the Pueblo plant and Static Detonation Chamber complex Dec. 7 to observe overall operations and chemical weapons demilitarization mission progress.
“Moving forward in this final chemical weapons stockpile campaign at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant, I applaud the Program Executive Office for Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives and the team here for their outstanding efforts to meet the Chemical Weapons Convention commitment deadline of September 30, 2023,” said Deborah Rosenblum, Assistant Secretary of Defense, (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Programs). “The innovation and dedication to overcoming challenges I’ve seen is truly inspirational.”
Rosenblum, along with Douglas Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army, (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology); Kingston Reif, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction and Arms Control; and Laura Pegher, Director, Test and Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defense (ASA-ALT), toured the main plant days after the Improved Cavity Access Machines in the main plant started to eliminate the 4.2-inch mortar rounds.
“This was a tremendous and successful opportunity for the PCAPP project and workforce to showcase their ability to get a mission done in a timely, safe, and professional manner,” said Walton Levi, site plant manager, PCAPP.
“The Pueblo team is on track to complete agent-destruction operations by the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty commitment date of Sept. 30, 2023,” Levi said.