Rocket processing equipment installed in a new off-site training center in September is now being used to train workers.
“We basically went from concept to training personnel on the system in about a year,” said Mike Wallace, systems training lead, Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass. “Once the decision was made to no longer process energetics, the project went full steam ahead and successfully designed, fabricated and tested this new process.”
Known as the Rocket Warhead Containerization System, this equipment will package drained rocket warheads for safe storage before their destruction in one of the site’s two Static Detonation Chamber units, Wallace said. Operators, maintenance personnel and engineers are currently being trained on the system as similar equipment is being installed in the plant.
“Prior to this, everyone was trained on the old system,” Wallace said. “We’re working on shifting their mental focus. The positive attitude has been tremendous all the way around.”
If there are issues in the plant with the operation of the containerization system, another advantage of the training system is technicians can work to figure them out on the training equipment in a safe and controlled environment and without having to wear protective suits, Wallace said. The training system will also be maintained to train any new personnel who join the project while the plant equipment is operating.
Future training classes at the new training center will include the autonomous mobile robots that will move canisters in the Rocket Warhead Containerization System process.