Public Comments Open on Pueblo Plant Permit

The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant uses neutralization followed by biotreatment to eliminate the remaining U.S. chemical weapons stockpile in Colorado. The team has applied for a final permit that will govern the operation of the main plant.
The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant uses neutralization followed by biotreatment to eliminate the remaining U.S. chemical weapons stockpile in Colorado. The team has applied for a final permit that will govern the operation of the main plant.

The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant team has applied for a final permit that will govern the treatment of the remaining chemical munitions stockpile in the main plant.

“On July 17, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued a draft hazardous waste storage and treatment permit,” said Mike Saupe, environmental manager, PCAPP. “This begins a 45-day public comment period that ends Aug. 31.”

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, known as RCRA, Part B Hazardous Waste Operating Permit will incorporate operating parameters demonstrated during the plant’s pilot testing phase and based on the Multi-Pathway Health Risk Assessment.

The content of the Part B permit will essentially be the same as the current Research, Development and Demonstration permit with the addition of updates based on the Pilot Test Demonstration, CDPHE said in a public notice. There will be the same hazardous waste permitted units as there were in the RD&D permit.

The permit specifies operating conditions and requirements for treating and storing hazardous waste in accordance with federal and state hazardous waste regulations and identifies permit conditions that ensure protection of human health and the environment during hazardous waste operations.

Written comments on the draft permit should be submitted to:

Kevin Mackey
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

The draft permit and supporting documents are available online: The draft permit can also be reviewed by appointment and observing COVID-19 protective practices at the Pueblo Chemical Stockpile Outreach Office, 104 W. B St., Pueblo, by calling 719-546-0400.

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