The public has the opportunity to submit comments on new permit modification requests made for the Blue Grass plant until May 18.
“We are requesting modifications for the rocket management strategy; additional storage in the Explosive Destruction Technology, or EDT, Enclosure Building; and miscellaneous updates related to the main plant,” said John McArthur, environmental manager, Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass.
The Rocket Warhead Containerization System Class 3 permit modification request captures the addition of new equipment that will be used to place drained warheads in sealed canisters, McArthur said. The containerized warheads would then be sent back to interim storage prior to eventual treatment in either the existing Static Detonation Chamber or the incoming Static Detonation Chamber 2000.
The modifications relating to the EDT Enclosure Building will allow for the addition of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA, permitted storage at the EDT facility. Wastes were previously being managed in satellite accumulation areas and less than 90-day accumulation areas, McArthur said. As some of these wastes require greater coordination for off-site shipment and disposal, this results in potentially longer storage times to accumulate enough waste to make a full shipment.
Plant environmental personnel work closely with the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, or KDEP, on RCRA permit modifications approvals. Part of this process involves input from the community.
“Public participation is a very important element of the hazardous waste permitting process,” said Dale Burton, Blue Grass Army Depot Section, KDEP. “The Blue Grass plant already does an excellent job of keeping the public informed through the quarterly Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission and Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board meetings. The public notice requirements in the hazardous waste regulations just serve to complement those efforts.”
No public meeting will be held regarding these requests due to federal, state and local guidelines for social distancing due to the coronavirus. However, project personnel will be available to answer any questions members of the public may have. Comments will be accepted through May 18. Information on how to comment is provided here.