Technicians used a mobile air-monitoring trailer for the first time to perform sampling during a demonstration of waste shipment activities Oct. 30.
“The Container Storage Facility has a specific room for monitoring equipment that we are still working to get set up,” said Ryan Russell, monitoring manager, Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass. “The trailer gives us the capability to support areas or facilities that don’t have permanent monitoring equipment. Procedures for mobile monitoring are just slightly different than our permanent stations—a little more time-consuming to get them ready.”
The trailer contained two Miniature Continuous Air Monitoring Systems for the demonstration, as well as a Depot Area Air Monitoring System. For the demonstration, technicians in the trailer monitored the storage building before it was opened and the truck transport trailer before, during and after the drum loading operations. The same monitoring procedures will be performed during operations.
“Our whole mission is to provide accurate and reliable data for protection of the workforce, the surrounding community and the environment,” Russell said. “This demonstration was a great opportunity for us to utilize this mobile monitoring station in support of preparation for main plant operations.”
Equipment in the trailer can be set up to detect mustard or nerve agents, Russell said. The Oct. 30 demonstration was in support of upcoming nerve-agent operations, currently scheduled for early 2020.