Workers Perform Waste Shipment Demonstration

Waste operators band drums on a pallet at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Container Storage Facility during a waste shipment demonstration. During operations, contaminated secondary wastes may be shipped off site to a permitted and licensed waste treatment, storage and disposal facility.
Waste operators band drums on a pallet at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Container Storage Facility during a waste shipment demonstration. During operations, contaminated secondary wastes may be shipped off site to a permitted and licensed waste treatment, storage and disposal facility.

Blue Grass team members participated in a waste monitoring, packaging and loading dry run Oct. 30.

“This activity demonstrates our capability to store and ship contaminated secondary waste,” said Scott Luna, waste manager, Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant. “When the main plant is in operations, we will use the Metal Parts Treater to decontaminate secondary waste, but some of it will not be able to be processed using that method. It will need to be shipped to a licensed and permitted waste treatment, storage and disposal facility for proper disposal.”

Wastes that can potentially be shipped include personal protective equipment, gaskets, used tools and spill pads, Luna said. It will not include liquid agent. The waste will be double-bagged, sealed, contained in Department of Transportation-approved 55-gallon drums and labeled at the main plant, then transferred to a waste storage facility on the Blue Grass Army Depot. Once there, the drums will be palletized for shipment.

“Shipping this kind of waste is standard business for a demilitarization facility,” Luna said. “Our main focus is the destruction of chemical weapons. Processing the waste will take our time and energy away from that goal, so we will do as the other sites have done and securely transport it for safe disposal.”

The waste operators performed well in the demonstration, Luna said. They will continue to practice until the main plant is in operations, when they will then store, package and load secondary waste from the destruction process.

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