Pueblo Plant Employee Groups Drive Innovation



Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant maintenance personnel on the Chemical Agent Safety Team, or CAST, designed and built shadow boards to help keep tools organized and stored safely in contaminated areas of the Agent Processing Building.



The PCAPP Employee Club encourages members to devote time and energy to volunteer projects in the office at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant and beyond.

Employee-led groups at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant are about more than just team spirit – they often generate improvements that help keep the plant operating smoothly and efficiently.

“Employee-led Teams are run by and made up of employees who have a passion for safety, volunteerism, self-improvement or sustainability,” said Ken Harrawood, project manager, Bechtel Pueblo Team. “Teams work together on projects and activities for the benefit of the entire staff.”

Recently, PCAPP maintenance personnel on the Chemical Agent Safety Team, or CAST, designed and built shadow boards to help keep tools organized and stored safely in contaminated areas of the Agent Processing Building.

The tools are painted red to show they should be used on jobs only in toxic areas. The board is painted with tool outlines so equipment can be replaced in the correct location and crew members can quickly find what they need.

“This is just one example of how employees have stepped up to make day-to-day work situations easier and better,” Harrawood said. “Initiatives or ideas are introduced through the ELTs while members work together to act on them.”

Another employee group at PCAPP builds on the site’s commitment to safely destroying the chemical munitions stockpile, while maintaining harmony with the environment. The ELITE Environmental Program promotes and supports PCAPP’s sustainable development initiatives, including recycling, carpooling and energy efficiency.

Recent ELITE accomplishments include the expansion of storage and borrowing capacity for personal protective equipment and sending representatives to a regional safety summit in Salt Lake City. In 2018, the group brought enhancements such as added hand sanitizer stations, coat hooks, ergonomic chairs, recycling bins and slip-on shower sandals to the workplace.

There are other employee teams. The PCAPP Employee Club encourages members to devote time and energy to volunteer projects in the office and beyond. The Observation team helps maintain the facility as a safe place to work by having members observe others and positively reinforce safe behaviors. NextGen promotes professional development, networking and community engagement, and Women@PCAPP works to create a more gender-balanced workplace by collaboratively developing employees’ experience, skills and visibility. Workers have also joined national development organizations such as Toastmasters and Junior Achievement.

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