A new member of the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant team began working as the Battelle program manager Nov. 30.
“I’ve worked in chemical demilitarization for many years and believe my experiences have prepared me for this position,” said Bob Stein, “I can’t wait to get out and meet all the managers of this great team.”
Stein is responsible for providing planning, management, direction and technical oversight to all Battelle activities at PCAPP, including laboratory and air monitoring, environmental compliance and permitting, and laboratory quality assurance/quality control.
A retired Army colonel, Stein brings 27 years of military experience to the project. During his military career, he commanded the Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon, which destroyed both nerve and mustard agent. Stein said he comes to Pueblo from Aberdeen, Maryland, where he was a manager in the Battelle Eastern Science and Technology Center, providing scientific support and a dilute chemical agent laboratory for both Pueblo and Blue Grass.
Stein has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania, and a master’s degree in military arts and science from Command and Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.