Pueblo Plant Employees Dish Out Turkeys to Needy

Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant employees pose for a photograph with a Pueblo Cooperative Care Center client. PCAPP employees raised funds to purchase more than 200 turkeys for the local food bank.
Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant employees pose for a photograph with a Pueblo Cooperative Care Center client. PCAPP employees raised funds to purchase more than 200 turkeys for the local food bank.

Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant employees stuffed donation jars so needy Pueblo families can stuff a turkey on Thanksgiving.

“We’re so blessed to work where we work. We’ve got the most generous people out at PCAPP and to help others and help our community—that’s why we do it,” said Beverly Spruill, project control engineer.

With donations made by employees, more than 200 turkeys were purchased and donated to Pueblo Cooperative Care Center. The turkeys were handed out on Nov. 17 and 20, with help of the fundraiser’s organizers.

“Most of these people can’t go to the store and buy what we are giving them, especially for Thanksgiving, so they are so excited because they’re getting a turkey,” said Edie DeLaTorre, executive director of the food bank.

Spruill, who spearheaded the turkey giveaway, said employees made donations as part of the team’s yearlong commitment to giving back to the community.

PCAPP employees routinely volunteer at the food distribution center and observed a shortage of turkeys during the 2015 Thanksgiving distribution. In order to fill that void, employees made cash donations so that turkeys could be purchased for the 2016 Thanksgiving distribution. The fundraising effort was repeated this year.

“You can just see it on their faces. The recipients are so appreciative of what we do. I’m just thankful that we can help,” Spruill said.

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