Paramedics now provide emergency response to employees on the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP) site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
“We recently received our state ambulance certification, which was the last approval we needed for 24/7 response,” said Michael Feddes, project medical services coordinator, Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass (BPBG). “Now, we can provide advanced life support and emergency response on site, where we previously relied on Blue Grass Army Depot and Madison County assistance. Our paramedics can respond anywhere on the site in less than two minutes.”
In order to meet U.S. Army regulations, the plant must be able to provide fast medical care in the event of an emergency, said Feddes, so paramedics are stationed at the plant’s Medical Facility. Their priority is the ability to respond quickly to someone needing care at the site.
“This coverage affects not only the site employees by reducing response times for an ambulance, but also the community by ensuring that the site has all the resources it needs to accomplish its upcoming mission of destroying the chemical weapons as quickly and safely as possible,” said Robert Kendall, lead paramedic, BPBG. “The BGCAPP medical team takes pride in this great responsibility, and we will remain vigilant in providing our coverage at a constant state of readiness and excellence.”
The BGCAPP Control Room is staffed 24/7 and other project personnel will be on the site for shift work at the facility, said Feddes. Emergency response is required to be available any time any project personnel are on site.