As part of standard procedure, the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP) requested a renewal of the plant’s Title V air permit from the Kentucky Division for Air Quality (KDAQ).
“The Commonwealth of Kentucky has specific regulations as to how much of and the kind of emissions an entity can give off,” said Brian Ballard, environmental engineer, BGCAPP. “We make every effort to not just meet but to remain below those limits. We’re very focused on protecting the environment in and around the Blue Grass plant.”
“The Blue Grass plant and the Blue Grass Army Depot each have their own Title V air permits, but the emissions from each entity are assessed together and are subject to a single set of emission limitations,” said Bill Buchanan, environmental permitting manager, Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass. “The permits must be renewed every five years.”
As part of the permit renewal process, the public has an opportunity to comment, said Ballard. If comments are received, KDAQ provides a response and adapts the permit documents, if necessary, then issues a proposed permit to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). All relevant comments received on the draft permit will be considered in issuing the proposed permit. The EPA has up to 45 days following issuance of the proposed permit to submit comments. If comments are not received, the final permit is issued after the comment period closes.
The public comment period for BGCAPP’s Title V air permit opened June 29 and closes July 28. Comments can be submitted by mail to Shauna Switzer at Division for Air Quality, 300 Sower Blvd, Second Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601, or by email at A copy of the draft permit and relevant supporting information may be seen at the address above and the Madison County Public Library in Richmond, Kentucky.